Lindsey Johnson

Image of a colorful animated brain on a purple background

Get To Know Your Hormones: What Is Cortisol?

While many people may know cortisol in relation to stress, cortisol is a hormone that serves many critical bodily functions. Maintaining the proper balance of this hormone will keep your body at optimal performance. What is cortisol? Cortisol is a… read more

Are Psychedelic Drugs the Medical Future?

Many people think of drugs like LSD (“acid”) and hallucinogenic mushrooms (“shrooms”) as drugs used by peace loving hippies who want to take a “trip” and escape reality. But what about psychedelic drugs being used in microdoses as a treatment… read more

How to Stay Regular When You Travel

Travel can be an exciting break from our normal routines. However, sometimes an unwanted travel companion, like constipation or diarrhea, can tag along. While your schedule may look different on vacation, sticking to regular bathroom habits can help you better… read more