“Relax!” You may hear someone say that to you due to everyday worries that add to stress levels in our lives, but sometimes that is easier said than done. Did you know there is a new concept called “active relaxation”… read more
Mind Matters
Ho’oponopono: An Ancient Hawaiian Path to Forgiveness
For many, the new year is a perfect time to make resolutions, set goals and incorporate significant changes in their lives. It’s a clean slate, a fresh start. A great way to wipe the slate clean and start the new… read more
New Year, New You – The 60 Day Challenge
BY NICOLE IRVING AND AMANDA ROLAND This challenge can be done in any order on any day and as m any times as you want. It is a starting point to rebooting and refreshing your mind and body for the… read more
Speaking the Language(s) of Love
Everyone approaches relationships differently. People come from different backgrounds with different perspectives, different expectations and different likes and dislikes. However, just about everyone is searching for the same thing: love. Everyone needs love — in fact our human nature requires… read more
Functional Freeze: Understanding and Overcoming It
Imagine sitting at your desk, staring at a looming deadline and feeling completely paralyzed. You know what needs to be done, but no matter how hard you try, you can't bring yourself to start. This frustrating state is known as… read more
Forgive and Forget: The Benefits of Forgiveness
Sometimes it is hard to just let go of negative emotions. When we feel we have been wronged in some way, we feel real emotional pain and often do not realize how much it affects our overall well-being. We hear… read more
Do You Have FOMO? Fear Not!
Have you ever missed a party and sat home reluctantly checking your social media feeds for pictures of all the fun? Were you ever stuck in traffic, anxiously awaiting a string of green lights so you could make it to… read more
How to Unleash Your Inner Beauty
True beauty starts from within. It’s not about your complexion, frizzy hair or whether you put on lipstick or sprayed cologne. Authentic inner beauty runs deeper than what meets the eye and starts from within on a self-awareness level. Encountering… read more
Can a Small Vacation Improve Your Health?
We all love vacation and time off, but wouldn’t you love it a little more if you knew that it was actually beneficial to your mental, physical and emotional health? Research has shown that men who take annual vacations are… read more
Is Procrastination Killing You? The Long-Term Effects and How to Stop
Procrastination. We all do it. There are some chores, tasks, work projects and conversations that we just don’t want to do, so we put them off until later. How often do you find yourself delaying unpleasant tasks and activities? Could… read more