Did you know that most Americans spend four hours watching TV and about seven-and-a-half hours on digital devices? This fact from Cleveland Clinic shows that we are almost chained to our devices and technology. Now many places across the country… read more
How Often Should You Change Your Towel?
Towels are a cornerstone of maintaining good personal hygiene, used daily to dry off after a shower or bath. But how often should you replace your towel with a fresh one? Is it after one day, three days or longer?… read more
Simple Goal-Setting for a Healthy New Year
Goal setting is an important piece when trying to put together the puzzle of change. New Year’s marks the end of the holidays and a chance for a fresh start. Traveling, relatives and the general aura of the holidays make… read more
In a Funk? Use Creativity to Brighten Your Mood!
Life is hard. At times, it can seem like everything is against you. Every ounce of energy is spent by the moment you get home, and the biggest accomplishment of your day is making it back to bed. But, life… read more
Finding Gratitude: The Secret to Life
For the most part, life isn’t always a box of chocolates. Throughout our time on this Earth, we all go through trials and tribulations that look to erupt our inner happiness. These times make us feel as though nothing is… read more
Traveling with Medical Supplies: The Basics
There is so much to pack for a trip, yet so little luggage space! For those with medical needs, meeting the airline’s suitcase weight requirement is not the only worry. Passing Security Getting yourself through airport security is a feat… read more
Rest Assured: Pillow Care 101
From every night when we go to sleep until every morning when we wake up, we rest our heads on pillows. More than a quarter of each day, we rely on them for comfort, support, rest, etc. But how often… read more
Learn the Health Benefits of Pumpkin
How many of us dive into a good ole dish of pumpkin on the regular? Sadly, unless it comes in the form of a pie or latte in early November, the majority of us are probably not! Unfortunately, that means… read more
Learn How To Cope With Voter’s Anxiety!
Even if you’re not an avid news-watcher, with politics invading social media, it’s becoming harder to block out political chatter. Unfortunately, with a 24/7 news cycle and the fact that we’re more connected to technology than ever, the constant noise… read more
Beauty Trends Through the Ages
As far back as ancient Egypt, women used kohl — a thick, dark ancient eyeliner — to line their eyes and give them a better shape. In the thousands of years since, beauty trends have evolved greatly. Let’s take a… read more