Morning commutes leaving you stressed? After being jolted awake by those dreaded alarm clock beeps and struggling to get out of bed and ready for the day, you’re likely already feeling the pressure before you even walk out of the… read more
Taryn Tacher
The Best Foods to Eat to Nourish Your Body
Some people are born with 20/20 vision, never teased in elementary school for having four eyes. Others are born with a metabolism speed that is unparalleled, never needing to count calories or eliminate Ben & Jerry’s ice cream from their… read more
Should You Say Goodbye To Gluten?
We all love our pastas, our breads, our cakes and our cookies — that is, unless we have celiac disease. This autoimmune disorder affects one in 100 people. That means 1 percent of the population is unable to digest gluten… read more
Can Chicken Soup Help Fight Off a Cold?
Your nose is stuffy, your eyes are watering, your throat is scratchy, and all you want to do is stay in bed. You have a box of tissues on your nightstand, a full bottle of aspirin in the medicine cabinet… read more
How to Manage Your Gray Hair
Aging is inevitable. No three-hour daily skin product regimen can prevent wrinkles entirely, and no sip from the Fountain of Youth can obliterate the onset of menopause. As we grow, our bodies change — our skin becomes looser, our veins more visible, and we start… read more
Drinking Water is Beneficial for Everyone
You’ve been hearing it your whole life — you should be drinking eight cups of water per day. But, is this actually true? We all have different body compositions, so how could our necessary water intake be universal? It isn’t.… read more
Learn More About Phobias and How They Affect Us
Everyone has something that makes their skin crawl or their knees a little weak — something that makes their eyes widen and their mouths let out an ever-so-piercing shriek. Whether it is heights, spiders or monsters under the bed, fears… read more
Hugging for Health
There are few things more comforting than a hug. A fuzzy blanket may engulf you when you are tired, and a steaming cup of tea may soothe you when you are sick, but a hug is always the perfect mode… read more
Got Calcium?
You heard it all of the time when you were growing up, and now you are passing along the message to your own kids — drinking milk will make you grow tall and strong. But this rich and creamy white… read more
Spice Up Date Night With Aphrodisiacs
Dating is exciting — whether you are going on a first date with someone new or spending some quality time with your significant other. You get all dressed up, the butterflies in your stomach start to flutter, and you cannot… read more