
Color Vibration Therapy

Color therapy, now backed by scientific principles, is gaining renewed status and credibility. Ancient cultures dating back to 2000 B.C. used the healing powers of color and light. Color was woven into all aspects of their culture, including health. According… read more

Understanding Epigenetics

Epigenetics is one of the largest waves of research to hit the scene since the discovery of DNA structure in the early 1950s. Watson and Crick’s breakthrough in the mid-20th century lead to unparalleled discoveries concerning how our genetic makeup… read more

liver-supporting foods

Show Your Liver Some Love with Liver-Supporting Foods

Think of the liver as the body’s toxin processing plant. Most toxins, like pesticides, household cleaning agents, dry-cleaning chemicals and hormone disruptors in beauty products, are fat-soluble. In order to be eliminated from the body, fat-soluble toxins must be converted… read more

Unique Valentine’s Day Date Ideas

Valentine’s Day is in the season of love but can easily turn into a time of immense pressure to plan the perfect date for your significant other. As you set out to brainstorm ideas, find special ways to celebrate your… read more

Household Products

4 Easy DIY Household Products

With natural, organic products becoming more mainstream, we have a dizzying array of options when it comes to grocery shopping. But living a natural lifestyle does not have to be complicated. With only a few ingredients, many items can be… read more

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