This sweet and tropical fruit is loved by so many, both for its amazing taste and great health benefits. It’s also super versatile, making it an easy way to make your snack or mealtimes extra healthy. But what makes this yellow, red and green fruit so magical?
According to Healthline, one cup of fresh mango has 99 calories and contains high levels of vitamin C (67%of the daily value), copper (20% of the daily value) and folate (18% of the daily value). It also contains moderate amounts of vitamins B6, A, E and K, Niacin, Potassium and Riboflavin. These high levels of vitamin C mean great benefits for your body without much effort. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that “fights cell damage and disease, protects your eyes, improves iron absorption, helps with wound healing and promotes healthy skin” and may assist in speedier recoveries, support heart health and aid in cancer treatments, according to Cleveland Clinic. Copper and folate, mango’s second and third largest nutrients, are extremely beneficial for pregnancy, aiding in “healthy fetal growth and development,” according to Healthline. Mangoes can help to regulate cholesterol and high blood pressure as well as assist individuals with diabetes. Despite mango’s “high” levels of sugar (22 grams per cup), no studies have shown that it poses any risk for causing or aggravating diabetes.
In fact, the opposite may actually be true. The combination of natural sugars and vitamin C “could help prevent the onset of diabetes,” according to Healthline. However, make sure to eat mango in moderation as the sugars can still raise blood pressure if too much is consumed at one time. Healthline suggests eating no more than two cups per day.
Besides just slicing and eating mango as a snack, it can be used in many different recipes. For something sweet, add them to smoothies or yogurt, or make them into juice. Mangoes can be added to baked goods such as cakes or muffins or can be grilled as a side dish alongside chicken, steak, burgers or fish. It can also be used in salads, salsas, jams, chutneys or other sauces. When purchasing mangoes at the grocery store, don’t rely too much on the color of the skin. Rather, gently squeeze the mango. If it is ripe, it will be slightly soft. It should also have a slightly sweet scent near the stem.