Bamboo has become ever more popular in every day households. From paper towels and even bed sheets, bamboo is everywhere. What makes bamboo so versatile, and what is it about this luscious green plant that makes it so popular? And should you use bamboo products in your home?
Benefits of Bamboo Products
According to the National Library of Medicine, bamboo has the highest growth rate of all tropical plants. It takes 35 – 40 days, on average, for stalks to grow, which makes it rapidly replenished and sturdy. According to Tennessee Nursery, there are many advantages to using this versatile plant in
addition to its rapid growth:
- Low environmental impact
- Carbon sequestration
- No deforestation
- Minimal soil erosion
- Biodiversity
Bamboo has the ability to sequester carbon dioxide which, when not contained, contributes to climate change mitigation, according to Tennessee Nursery. With its rapid growth, even in poor, degraded soils, bamboo can isolate more carbon dioxide than other plants in similar environments, according to the Environmental Evidence Journal.
How is Bamboo Used?
From wooden spoons and hardwood floors to towels and clothing, bamboo has become prevalent in almost everything we use. So, how can one plant make so many different household items? While the actual bamboo shoots are used to make things like hardwood flooring, housewares and utensils, the bamboo fibers are used in fabrics and textiles because they are lightweight and durable. The fibers allow products to last longer, and they are biodegradable, making them desirable alternatives to plastic and glass, according to Science Direct.
Bamboo is predominantly grown in Asia. However, its rapid growth and ability to grow in less than ideal environments makes it a great crop for almost any tropical area, and there are over 1,000 different species of bamboo, according to TN Nursery and Science Direct.
For people who want to switch from plastic to more sustainable alternatives, bamboo is a great start. Plastic consumes our lives, and is unavoidable in many circumstances. Its non- renewable properties and increasing threat to the environment make it necessary to find alternatives when possible. According to the National Library of Medicine, the plastic crisis and the development of technology have created a sense of urgency in finding renewable, more sustainable options. Bamboo is rich in natural fibers, absorbs carbon dioxide and produces oxygen, making it carbon neutral and helping us forge a path toward environmental consciousness.
Bamboo Products for You
Deciding how to implement more sustainable products at home can be overwhelming, and it can be even more difficult when trying to balance family life with health and wellness. If you’re looking to make a switch and don’t know where to start, here are some common bamboo products that add aesthetic and sustainability to any home:
- Straws
- Cutlery
- Toothbrushes
- Dinnerware and drinkware
- Combs and brushes
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