Even if you’re not an avid news-watcher, with politics invading social media, it’s becoming harder to block out political chatter. Unfortunately, with a 24/7 news cycle and the fact that we’re more connected to technology than ever, the constant noise… read more
Yoga for Anxiety
It is a given that there will be times where we feel anxious, stressed or overwhelmed about events happening in our life. Anxiety is one of the most common mental illnesses in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults or 18.1%… read more
How Physical Exercise Helps Your Mental Health
Mental health is just as important as physical health. If you’re struggling with your mental health – whether it's due to anxiety about a major life-change or the stress of everyday tasks – physical exercise may help improve your mental… read more
Say Bon Voyage To Flight Anxiety
For many, traveling on an airplane is exciting and adventurous, but for some, it’s a nightmare come to life. And, especially in 2020, with the addition of face masks and social distancing in airports and on planes, you might be… read more
Stressed Out or Anxious?
It is crunch time. You are facing a work deadline and hurtling toward zero hour. You can feel sweat dripping down your brow and your heart beats a tad faster as you keep pushing forward. You will be glad when… read more
7 Tips to Help Ease Anxiety During COVID-19
In a stressful time such as this, it’s easy to get lost in worry. Staying healthy, caring for family, working from home or not working at all – there’s no shortage of things to agonize over. You may find yourself… read more