May is Mental Health Awareness month, which is a perfect time to focus on self-care. And what is a better way to learn about self-care than reading books? I love to read, but the demands of life sometimes make this… read more
5 Ways to Best Manage Stress
Stress—often an overused word but one that applies to most of us especially in the light of everything that transpired in 2020. Stress is omnipresent in our everyday lives as most of us work to balance career, relationships, children, families,… read more
Family Constellations Workshop with Rukmini
Join us for Family Constellations Workshop with Rukmini. A constellation is a means for accessing the timeless map you hold within, linking the past to the present and the present to the future. You can participate in this workshop in… read more
Tapping / Emotional Freedom Technique EFT Workshop
Join us for the Tapping / Emotional Freedom Technique EFT Workshop. Emotional Freedom Technique EFT (Tapping) is a mind-body method of tapping on the meridian points with your fingertips while focusing on an issue or feeling you are hoping to… read more