How a Fitness Community Can Help You Reach Your Goals

By Lindsey Johnson

The start of a new year often comes with renewed intentions of better health and more frequent exercise. Many people have visions of unwavering motivation and crushing workout goals but without a solid plan and commitment, the reality often falls short. Set yourself up for success by joining a fitness community that will help keep you on track.

What are the benefits of a fitness community?


Even with the best of intentions, exercising alone can be a difficult habit to stay consistent. There can always be something that sidetracks you from your plans when you don’t have a specific time or place to adhere to. When you exercise with a group, you must establish a set hour to meet and it is scheduled on your calendar with greater emphasis. If you cancel, chances are strong that someone will check on you and encourage a time for the next meetup. You will also be less likely to back out so you don’t disappoint others.

Accountability can be particularly crucial for motivation as well. Nobody is motivated all the time so scheduling with an exercise buddy will get you out the door when you’re tempted to stay on the couch. Not every workout has to be record breaking, it’s the consistency that provides the greatest long-term results. The accountability also works in your favor as others watch your progress over time and cheer and encourage you when they know you’re struggling and also when you master a new achievement. This positive reinforcement gives us the push to keep going.


A 2017 study published in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association found that exercising in a group lowers stress by 26% as well as significantly improves quality of life, while those who workout alone did not experience significant reductions in stress and only limited improvement to quality
of life. This study supports the theory that the community aspect and social connections improve overall wellbeing.


Individuals are more likely to push harder, challenge themselves more and rest less frequently during a workout when surrounded by others. A study published in the Journal of Social Sciences found that study participants tended to adopt the fitness habits ofthose around them, demonstrating the benefits of positive peer pressure. Most people don’t want to be perceived as the weakest link of the group and will work a little harder to avoid this.

The positive peer pressure also works to show us what we are capable of when we see what others are doing. A study conducted at Kansas State University found that participants exerted more effort and burned more calories when exercising alongside those they perceived as better. Participants increased their workout time and intensity by up to 200%. As the saying goes, iron sharpens iron.


 One of the most common excuses for skipping a workout is time. Everyone’s time is limited – between school, work, family, friends and other obligations, it can be difficult to fit it all in. However, if you exercise alongside your special people, you can spend quality time together while also promoting everyone’s health. Consider it a healthy form of multitasking!

Whether your fitness community is your family sweating together in a garage gym, a group of moms going for a run, or members at your favorite gym, lean into the support, encouragement and motivation that the group environment provides. It will help you stay consistent, reach your goals and have more fun and laughs along the way.


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