Cole Purvis

Workout Safety 101: Stay Fit, Stay Safe

Engaging in regular exercise is a fantastic way to maintain fitness and overall well-being. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), routine physical activity can help strengthen our bones and muscles, reduce our risk of cardiovascular disease… read more

Tap water pouring into cup from sink

Do You Know Your Home’s Water Quality?

From cold glasses on our bedside tables to warm beams in our morning showers, water is an essential facet of our everyday lives. However, despite being such a routine asset in our lives, there are oftentimes potentially harmful contaminants in… read more

Factory building dripping in green paint

What is Greenwashing? The Ugly Truth

In recent years, the term "greenwashing" has gained prominence as companies increasingly tout their commitment to environmental sustainability. But what exactly is greenwashing, why does it happen and what implications does it carry? What is greenwashing? The United Nations (U.N.)… read more

Image of government building with balance scale and butterfly

Governing Green: Laws that Keep our World Clean

In an era where environmental concerns have taken center stage, our governing powers have implemented a myriad of laws to safeguard the planet's well-being. These regulations cover a range of issues, from hazardous waste disposal to air pollutants. The common… read more