Indulgence. That’s what comes to mind when I think of chocolate. Growing up, my grandpa used to eat one piece of dark chocolate every day at lunch. He always told me that scientists said it’s good for your heart, but… read more
Shelby Davidson
Try Turmeric, The Secret Superfood
With all the buzz around new superfoods like acai, goji berries and chia seeds, we’ve forgotten about one of the most ancient spices that has been celebrated for centuries as both a delicious food and medicine — turmeric. The beautiful… read more
Gym Etiquette 101: Do You Even Lift, Bro?
I recently went to the gym to get in a solid arm workout. It wasn’t too crowded, and everyone seemed to be following the unspoken rules. Until I went to use the pull-up machine and found a man breaking a… read more
Pet Nutrition: Tips and Tricks
It is dinner time and everyone has been drawn to the table by the delicious scents wafting through the house — including your beloved pet. It can be hard to say no, but it is important to keep pet nutrition… read more
Curious About Crying? Here’s Why It’s Good For You
Too often, crying is only associated with emotion. People imagine interrupted breathing, quivering lips and weepy eyes, but it goes far beyond that; emotion only scratches the surface of why humans cry. Crying is a jack-of-all-trades. Not only is it a physical way to express emotion, but… read more
Modern Day Stress vs. Meditation
In today’s modern world, the phrase “free time” has become the laughing stock of the English language. How could someone possibly have a free minute to spare when everyday life revolves around kids, technology, school, work and other like-minded activities? The irony of it all is… read more
Step Into Non-Dairy Territory With Different Milk Options!
When we were young, many of us had parents that would not let us leave the dinner table without finishing a glass of whole milk. “It’ll give you strong bones,” they said. Now the tables have turned. The days where… read more
Flabby Felines and Canines: How to Keep Your Pet Fit & Healthy
We all take it a little personally when someone calls our pet overweight. It makes us feel like bad pet parents to have let our beloved fur babies get to their current state. I unfortunately feel this way every time… read more
Is Sitting the New Smoking? Let’s Find Out!
Although the age has passed where it was normal to advertise smoking and promote the use of tobacco, we have a new monster that is almost equally as harmful — sitting. In a society that is predominately based on ease… read more