
Stressed Out? Try a Color Walk

People are always looking for ways to find more peace in their lives. One of the most popular trends (as seen on TikTok, The Today Show and YouTube) is a color walk, where you choose one color to follow in… read more

Why Are You Craving Certain Foods?

A craving is described as an intense desire for a specific food, and if you’ve ever done a no-carb diet you know what I mean. Many times we will try to substitute something healthier in place of the specific desired… read more

Saltwater and Your Pet

Growing up close to the beach, one of my favorite things to do early in the day was to sit and watch all the surfers who were riding with their dogs on their boards. As someone who could never even… read more

Digital Detox

The Benefits of a Digital Detox

Did you know that most Americans spend four hours watching TV and about seven-and-a-half hours on digital devices? This fact from Cleveland Clinic shows that we are almost chained to our devices and technology. Now many places across the country… read more

Finding Gratitude

Finding Gratitude: The Secret to Life

For the most part, life isn’t always a box of chocolates. Throughout our time on this Earth, we all go through trials and tribulations that look to erupt our inner happiness. These times make us feel as though nothing is… read more

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