Mind Matters

The Dangers of Road Rage

Honking horns, yelling, aggressive behavior… chances are good you’ve encountered an angry driver, or, you may be the angry driver. What is road rage, what causes it and what can be done about it?  According to the AAA Foundation for… read more

Mental Toughness in 75 Days

The 75 Hard Challenge has taken over social media with friends posting progress pictures and sharing book recommendations. What is this challenge, what does it entail and is it right for me?  The 75 Hard Challenge was created by Andy… read more


Modern Day Stress vs. Meditation

In today’s modern world, the phrase “free time” has become the laughing stock of the English language. How could someone possibly have a free minute to spare when everyday life revolves around kids, technology, school, work and other like-minded activities? The irony of it all is… read more

Stressed Out

Stressed Out or Anxious?

It is crunch time. You are facing a work deadline and hurtling toward zero hour. You can feel sweat dripping down your brow and your heart beats a tad faster as you keep pushing forward. You will be glad when… read more

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