The idea of getting 10,000 steps in a day can be intimidating, especially when you’re working nine to five. Gaining more steps can be as simple as walking around the office every hour for a mental break –and it gets your blood flowing! Break your steps into increments to make getting your steps in for the day a piece of cake.
Walk the Dog
Kick off your morning and get your heart rate up by taking your dog for a walk around the neighborhood. For the average person’s stride, it takes a little over 2,000 steps to reach a mile. A mile with your pup will only take 20-30 minutes and is a great way to be active before you have to go into the office.
Skip the Elevator Ride
Take the stairs whenever possible! If you live in an apartment building, leave yourself an extra 5 minutes and take the stairs. If your office is on the third floor, walk the three flights up! Even climbing one flight of stairs will get you more steps than standing still in the elevator would.
Go for a Run
Cardio can be a pain, but going for a run is an easy way to get steps fast. A 5 mile run can easily get you to your daily 10,000 steps. If 5 miles is a bit ambitious, even a few miles would increase the number of steps in your day. If you’re a new runner, try the run/walk method and get out there!
Window Shop
Do you have a birthday or anniversary coming up? Start window shopping now for yourself (or your significant other) and get some steps in! Walking around the mall will keep you entertained while distracting you from how many steps you have remaining for the day. Just leave your credit card in the car so you aren’t tempted to buy anything!
by Morgan Hill