Slugging: The Latest Skincare Trend

By Tracy Wright

When you hear the word slug, you may think of a backyard pest. But it’s one of the hottest skincare trends that’s risen on the internet. Ironically, “slugging” is actually a pretty old habit your grandmother may have done!

What is Slugging

Named for the goopy liquid slugs leave behind, slugging is “basically the process of slathering your face (or, in some cases, your nails) with petroleum jelly overnight. Social media skin care gurus claim it has given them a gorgeous glow,” said Cleveland Clinic. “[Petroleum jelly] forms a protective layer on the surface of your skin — and that protective layer, in turn, helps seal in hydration and keep your skin from drying out.”

Cleveland Clinic suggests that slugging can provide the following benefits:

• MOISTURIZE: “The retained hydration can fill the epidermis like a sponge, thickening it and making it more pliable and elastic,” says Cleveland Clinic. • PROTECT: The jelly barrier helps to keep moisture in — and keeps bad stuff out.
• DAMAGE REPAIR: If your skin is dehydrated, a coating of petroleum jelly at night can help prevent further moisture loss and add to repair.

But slugging isn’t for everyone especially if your skin is oily acne- prone or has an infection, said Nebraska Medicine. This is because the jelly may not allow your skin to breathe especially if it’s already oily or has existing skin marks.

How do you Slug?

There are certain steps to follow in a slugging routine, said Cleveland Clinic.

1. PREP YOUR SKIN: You should always start every routine with clean skin. Don’t use products with acids underneath the layer of jelly, as they may damage the skin if they can’t be filtered.

2. USE RESTRAINT WITH THE AMOUNT OF JELLY: Since petroleum jelly is so thick, only a small amount is needed to be effective. Also be sure you only use a pure petroleum jelly product like Vaseline or Aquaphor. You may also only need it on the driest areas of your skin.

3. WAIT 30 MINUTES AFTER APPLYING: Allow the product to settle before lying down for the evening. You may want to use a head covering to protect your hair or a protective layer for your pillow.

4. WASH YOUR FACE IN THE MORNING: Cleansing is important every morning, but especially after slugging. “It will help get rid of anything that’s stuck to the goopy petroleum jelly overnight, too. Cleansing is important because the skin is a living organ that has dead skin cells, oils and bacteria that need to be able to slough off,” said Cleveland Clinic.

Like every type of beauty activity, one size does not always fit all. Prior to taking on slugging, it’s advisable for you to talk to a dermatologist or skin aesthetician who can assess you and see if it would helpful or harmful to your skin care routine.

“There is no one skin care fix for everyone — it’s all about finding what’s right for each person. When one’s skin is balanced and healthy, slugging may not be necessary at all,” said VeryWell Health.

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