We have all heard the dangers of credit card use. You probably have a friend who has a wild amount of credit card debt or you may have even found yourself in that position. There are entire companies whose sole purpose is to help people get… read more
4 Tips for Saving Money During the Holiday Season
The holiday season is here! Sometimes when we think about the holidays, all we see is dollar signs and payment plans. In order to help you save this year, we have some tips for saving money during the holidays that… read more
Financial Well-Being: How to Stay Happy on a Budget
Depending on your personality, the word “budget” either makes you excited or terrified. Some people see personal finance and budgeting as a game that will help save them money, but others see it as a set of restrictive rules that… read more
Money Mindfulness
Money is a constant presence in our lives. Almost every major decision we make can be tied to a financial impact. Because of this, it can be a major stressor that is made worse when we don’t have an understanding… read more
The World’s Most Expensive Foods
When dining at a restaurant, we sometimes gripe about the prices on the menu and wonder if the food is really worth the cost. While eating local can sometimes feel costly, we scoured the world to find the most expensive… read more
Conducting an Annual Expense Review
You probably visit your doctor once a year for a checkup, but there's something else to pencil on the calendar: an annual review of your utilities and insurance. An annual review is a great opportunity to determine if there are… read more
Where Can I Get the Best Bang for My Buck in Gym Costs?
Knowing where to spend your money effectively for fitness can be overwhelming. There are so many options available that it can be hard to know where to start. While cost is a factor, it is also important to consider several… read more
Money Talks: Financial-Help Books to Help You on Your Journey!
Some people love talking about money, investing and savings... but others shutter at the thought of their financial future. In fact, Capital One conducted a “Mind Over Money” study revealing that 58% of Americans believe that money controls their life… read more
Debt Liquidation: Is It Right for You?
Consumer debt liquidation can take on many forms — from selling off personal assets to declaring Chapter 7 bankruptcy. All of these options should be carefully considered before beginning any. Financial liquidation is defined as converting assets into cash in… read more
Applications for the Alachua County Cares Act Are Now Open
The Alachua County Cares Act will provide COVID-19 aid, economic assistance and relief. The Federal CARES Act is providing Alachua County with $46.9 million, and this money will be allocated to six main categories in the county, including individual assistance.… read more