May is Mental Health Awareness month, which is a perfect time to focus on self-care. And what is a better way to learn about self-care than reading books? I love to read, but the demands of life sometimes make this… read more
Is Intrinsic Motivation The Key to Success?
Why does it seem that some people can get up and run every morning, consistently select the healthier lunch option or create other daily healthy habits, while it’s a struggle for others? The answer all lies in the mindset. Intrinsic… read more
Is a Deadline the Best Motivator?
Almost 10 years ago, I started a Facebook group for people who wanted to run a 5K under 30 minutes. The group—called the Sub-30 Club, which now has nearly 7,000 members—quickly changed its focus: We wouldn’t just center around 29:59.… read more
6 Motivational Books To Turn Your Day Around
Motivation can be a tricky thing to manage, in all facets of our lives. From procrastination to self-love, we’re here to give you a glimpse into our favorite motivational books for a variety of areas in your life. Procrastination Finish… read more
Our Favorite Motivational Reads
By Natalie Richoux Motivation can be a tricky thing to manage, in all facets of our lives. From procrastination to self-love, we’re here to give you a glimpse into our favorite motivational books for a variety of areas in your… read more