I don’t eat pickles, mustard, clams, avocados, guacamole, veal, relish or salsa. I won’t eat raw onions under any circumstances. And I do not drink beer or cider. Honey mustard, cottage cheese and sour cream are on my no-can-do list. I cannot stomach cranberry juice. I will gladly pass on champagne (after a sip to toast, of course). My steak and hamburgers must be well done. I can’t even think about eating raw tuna or seafood. What’s eel sauce and why is it served? I don’t like A-1, hot sauce, duck, vinegar, truffle oil or hard-boiled eggs. I avoid the “Goya bean section” at all costs (although I have been game to consume meat only chili and hummus). While I may have gotten grounded for this one, I haven’t consumed a lima bean since I was 6. That’s right. I stood my ground! I guess I’m a picky eater.
All of the above are foods I don’t eat due to preference, not dietary restrictions. However, thanks to having three babies and hormonal changes, I am now lactose intolerant. I cannot even look at ice cream or brie cheese without getting sick. Funny thing is, my food aversions don’t bother me as much as they bother others. My uncle once said I was a cheap date because I wouldn’t order lobster at a fancy New York City restaurant. My dad cringes when the bowl of peas passes through my hands and onward to my brother. I know what he is thinking.
I get a lot of “You don’t know what you are missing,” and “WHAT? You don’t eat mayo?” Some of it is mental — OK, all of it is. I am sorry, but cream should never be sour and my meat should not look like it literally just mooed!
Why I am totally happy being picky
However, here is a huge secret: I am totally happy being picky! I eat what I love and I enjoy it. There, I said it. I know, my dad says I ruin every filet mignon I order. But, come on, do I? How can it be ruined if I just inhaled the whole thing?
In the spirit of living a well-rounded life, I have dabbled in a bit of a taste testing adventure this year. On my “before 40 bucket list,” I added No. 27… try new foods. And, I have. I ate the fresh sea scallops and Florida lobster my husband caught — edible, but not my favorite. I’ve found I can tolerate, and with enough bacon even enjoy, a good Brussels sprout. I did eat a raw tuna “thing” after a cocktail. Interesting. However, at the end of the day, the food I choose to eat should make me happy, and by golly, a good cream puff and well-done filet mignon make me happy!
So, while you enjoy your dish, as adventurous in spirit and tasty as it is, I will enjoy mine, simply my way. Have no fear, I am just as happy as you!
My tips for being a good guest and successfully going out to dinner
1. I go out to dinner to enjoy the company, not necessarily the food. I can ALWAYS find something on the menu. The chef usually can make a very plain chicken breast.
2. I never insult the chef or host at a dinner party! I always eat what is there. No one ever said you had to load up your plate a mile high. I take enough to taste and compliment the chef.
3. If I know I am going with friends, and I was invited to a place I don’t like, I eat before I get there and celebrate with a glass of nice red wine. When asked, “Aren’t you going to eat?” I tell the truth — “ I ate with the kids before I came.”
Know a picky eater? Here are some tips on how to handle them.
1. Don’t insult what they eat or don’t eat. Most of the time, they know it’s odd, but remember, they are your friend/family regardless.
2. Don’t make a big deal about them being a picky eater to others. You never know, they may try something, but won’t if they feel like they are on display.
3. If you don’t care where you are going to dinner, then let them choose where they would like to eat as a picky eater.
4. If you invite them over for dinner and know they don’t eat a certain veggie or meat but you need to serve it anyway, maybe have an option for them to eat or at least give them the heads up.
5. Do not trick them, badger them or harass them to try something. It can make a bad scene.
6. Love them for who they are!
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