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Tips To Stop Overeating at Night

For a lot of people, factors like boredom and loneliness can contribute to overeating or binge eating late at night. This could cause you to gain unnecessary weigh, further fatigue and increase anxiety.  Here are some tips and friendly reminders… read more

Speaking the Language(s) of Love

Everyone approaches relationships differently. People come from different backgrounds with different perspectives, different expectations and different likes and dislikes. However, just about everyone is searching for the same thing: love. Everyone needs love — in fact our human nature requires… read more

Can Exercise Help Calm Anxiety?

It’s easy to sit inside on your couch all day when you are feeling stressed or anxious, but getting your heart pumping can have a positive effect on your mental health. Anxiety is the most common mental illness in the… read more

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How Sodium Affects Our Health

A shake of the salt here, a shake of the salt there—we all know that salt makes food taste better. But how much salt is too much? According to the American Heart Association, adults should consume no more than 2,300… read more

Workouts for the Week

Band-Aid: Using Resistance Bands

When building your exercise equipment repertoire, it is important to think about how much space it takes up, and how many different exercises you can do with it. Enter the numerous benefits of resistance bands. Resistance bands offer a wide… read more

Try Water Aerobics

Find Out Why You Should Try Water Aerobics

The term water aerobics has gotten a bad rep, constantly coming off as an easy exercise performed in the shallow end of the pool. However, water aerobics applies to several different water activities that increase your breathing and heart rate… read more

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