Cute faces, fuzzy snuggles and loyal companionship make animals so endearing to us. The thought of coming home from work to a cat sleeping on the couch, an excited puppy waiting at the door or fish swimming peacefully in your… read more
April Tisher
Forgive and Forget: The Benefits of Forgiveness
Sometimes it is hard to just let go of negative emotions. When we feel we have been wronged in some way, we feel real emotional pain and often do not realize how much it affects our overall well-being. We hear… read more
Should It Be That Color? Decoding The Color of Our Urine
Most of us don’t really look at the color of our urine unless we suspect a problem. Urine, or “pee,” is described as the liquid waste made by the kidneys as they filter toxins from your blood. It is made… read more
Everything You Need To Know About Allergies
As a family member to someone who has an anaphylactic allergy to peanuts, food allergies are a regular topic of conversation in our home. Everyone knows the allergy plan, how to read food labels, where the EpiPen is and to… read more
Get Involved With These Sports to Stay Active As You Age
We know that exercise is important to us as we get older, but sometimes hitting the gym isn’t enough. Running on the treadmill, using machines or even taking classes at the gym may not be your cup of tea, but… read more
Tips for Staying Healthy During Holiday Travels
It is estimated that 46 million people will partake in holiday travel during the holiday season. That is a lot of hands touching everything from airplane tray tables to door handles to luggage racks. The potential for millions of germs… read more
How Can You Have an Eco-Friendly Holiday?
When talking to a group of friends about this topic, the dominant thought was the best thing you can do for the environment is to reuse what you already have! Don’t throw out the things you have already just to… read more
A Second Chance at Life
For those waiting for an organ transplant, every single day matters. There are currently about 119,000 people in the United States on the registry waiting for an organ. Men and women of all ages, religions, races and socioeconomic statuses can only sit and… read more
Understanding Cryotherapy: Put Some Ice on That!
If you twist your ankle during your evening run, the first thing everyone will tell you to do is “put some ice on it.” Why? It has been proven that cold slows down blood flow and circulation to an injury… read more
“Good” Bacteria? What You Should Know About Probiotics
You can buy them in tablets, powders and liquids. Some must be refrigerated and are pricey, while less expensive ones can found the in grocery store aisle. They’re marked as “gut healthy,” with “live active cultures” and “good bacteria.” They’re sold worldwide in health foods stores,… read more