Valentine’s Day is obviously healthy for your love life, but have you ever considered how it could be healthy for your heart? Feeling your heart flutter and soar when you see your significant other is definitely indicative of a healthy… read more
Elayza Gonzalez
Pros and Cons of Soy: Should You Add It to Your Diet?
Soy is a high-protein and nutritional food source derived from soybeans. According to, the legume is cholesterol-free and low in fat, plus it can be used as a replacement for animal-based proteins and is found in a number of… read more
Beyond Childhood Vaccination: Adult Vaccines
Vaccines are not just for your childhood. According to the Immunization Action Coalition, the nation’s premier source of childhood, adolescent and adult immunization information, getting vaccinated can be a lifelong job. You are never too old to strengthen your immune… read more
Primal vs. Paleo Diet: What’s the difference?
In today’s society, people are always trying to find the diet that works best for them and their healthy lifestyle. With more and more fad diets popping up every day, it is getting harder and harder to differentiate between what… read more
How Do You Create a Pet-Friendly Home?
Having pets can make it difficult to design a home. All pet owners face the same challenge: how do I create a pet-friendly home with a hint of human sophistication? Whether you are battling dog hair or cat scratches, there… read more
Why Do We Grind Our Teeth?
Do you ever wake up with a tight and sore jaw or even a headache? These aches and pains could be a sign of bruxism, or more commonly known as teeth grinding. According to the National Sleep Foundation, teeth grinding… read more
First Aid Kit Essentials For the Adventurer!
Outdoor adventures can be filled with fun, excitement and wonder, but they can also be dangerous. That is why it is important to be prepared for every possible situation by having disaster-proof first aid kit essentials ready at hand. Sometimes… read more
Discover the Perks of Peanut Butter
Ever wonder how something that tastes so good can actually be good for you? Aside from being a creamy — or crunchy — spread filled with deliciousness and glory, peanut butter is actually one of the most nutritional things you… read more