
Shop Healthy

How to Shop Healthy Without Breaking the Bank

We all know how important eating healthy is to our overall well-being. But, sometimes healthy foods just aren’t the cheapest options (hello, dollar menu!). If you are trying to stick to a healthy diet while staying on budget, consider the… read more

6 Healthy Places To Go in Gainesville

Whether you are looking for a nutritious lunch or trying to break a sweat while working out, here are the top six fresh, fit and healthy places in Gainesville. Bolay Substitute the rice and beans at Chipotle for some sweet… read more

Forest Bathing for Better Mental Health

Forest bathing has nothing to do with actually bathing and everything to do with allowing yourself to get lost in the forest and using all your senses to do so. What is forest bathing? This Japanese way of healing was… read more

The Pros & Cons of Intermittent Fasting

The practice of fasting has been used for centuries in many religions to create spiritual discipline. In recent years, the health and fitness community in the West has adopted fasting as a tool for weight loss as well as a… read more

Kava: The New Alternative to Alcohol

Kava is a centuries-old herb that has gained renewed popularity in the world of wellness. Known for its euphoric, relaxing effects, the kava plant is native to Western Pacific regions and has been used frequently in ceremonial and social settings.… read more

Acupuncture on hand

Emotional Freedom Techniques

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a relatively new therapy, developed in the United States in the 1990s by Gary Craig. In its short life, EFT has gained a lot of attention from healers, scientists and doctors worldwide. Sometimes called psychological… read more

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