My husband enjoys woodworking. I am very lucky because that means I get to have one-of-a-kind, handcrafted, solid wood furniture completely customized to our tastes and needs. He has built us a dining room table, a dresser and, most recently,… read more
Mind Matters
Mindful Bites: How Psychology Shapes the Way We Eat
You may be familiar with the phrase “you eat with your eyes first,” and it’s true that the way you view food impacts what you think about it before you’ve even tried it. When one food is perceived as “better… read more
Addicted to Fitness
Regular exercise is essential for optimal physical and emotional health but is it possible to have too much of a good thing? The Department of Health and Human Services’ Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults complete 150 to 300… read more
Healing with Somatic Therapy
In the world of modern mental health treatments, somatic therapy is gaining recognition as a transformative approach to healing. Rooted in the connection between the mind and body, somatic therapy emphasizes how physical sensations, posture and movement reflect and influence… read more
Loving Number One: Practicing Self-Care
The term “self-care” may conjure the image of a woman at the spa, perhaps with cucumber slices over her eyes while someone paints her nails and massages her feet. But self-care is more than a superficial indulgence; practicing self-care is… read more
Balance Your Stress: How to Avoid the Tipping Point
Stress. We all have it. Some see it as a badge of honor - the more stressed they are, the more important their role is. While some acute stress can be beneficial to spur us into action, chronic stress can… read more
How to Actively Relax and Reduce Stress
“Relax!” You may hear someone say that to you due to everyday worries that add to stress levels in our lives, but sometimes that is easier said than done. Did you know there is a new concept called “active relaxation”… read more
Ho’oponopono: An Ancient Hawaiian Path to Forgiveness
For many, the new year is a perfect time to make resolutions, set goals and incorporate significant changes in their lives. It’s a clean slate, a fresh start. A great way to wipe the slate clean and start the new… read more
New Year, New You – The 60 Day Challenge
BY NICOLE IRVING AND AMANDA ROLAND This challenge can be done in any order on any day and as m any times as you want. It is a starting point to rebooting and refreshing your mind and body for the… read more
Speaking the Language(s) of Love
Everyone approaches relationships differently. People come from different backgrounds with different perspectives, different expectations and different likes and dislikes. However, just about everyone is searching for the same thing: love. Everyone needs love — in fact our human nature requires… read more