
“Good” Bacteria?

“Good” Bacteria? What You Should Know About Probiotics

You can buy them in tablets, powders and liquids. Some must be refrigerated and are pricey, while less expensive ones can found the in grocery store aisle. They’re marked as “gut healthy,” with “live active cultures” and “good bacteria.” They’re sold worldwide in health foods stores,… read more

Make Your Water More Exciting

You’ve been hearing it your whole life — you should be drinking eight cups of water per day. But, is this actually true? We all have different body compositions, so how could our necessary water intake be universal? It isn’t.… read more


Confessions of A Coffee Convert

Growing up, my dad always had coffee in hand. Each morning, he would shuffle down the hallway, his eyes barely open, boil water and wait. Then, gingerly, he would add it to his heaping teaspoon of instant coffee that had been plopped at the bottom… read more

What Are The Benefits of Asparagus?

Asparagus is back! Head to your local grocery store or farmer’s market and pick up a stalk or two while they’re at their prime. This savory, highly nutritious vegetable is the perfect addition to any meal. Not only can asparagus… read more

We Tried It: Bulletproof Coffee!

If you keep up with current food and drink trends, you might have heard of something called Bulletproof Coffee. Here at Irving Publications, we were introduced to this interesting drink by our Executive Assistant, Sayeh Farah. Sayeh has been drinking… read more

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