Nuts are a common part of the American diet. As a snack, a salad topping or mixed into your favorite dessert, nuts are everywhere. What are the benefits of eating nuts and why are some people allergic? HEALTH BENEFITS Peanuts… read more
Everything You Need To Know About Allergies
As a family member to someone who has an anaphylactic allergy to peanuts, food allergies are a regular topic of conversation in our home. Everyone knows the allergy plan, how to read food labels, where the EpiPen is and to… read more
How Air Purifiers Can Help Clean Your Air
Even before COVID-19, usage of home air purifiers had spiked. According to Consumer Reports, one in four American households now owns an air purifier. But what do they actually do and is it worth the investment? Simply put, air purifiers… read more
5 Cat Breeds to Keep Your Allergies At Bay!
Cat hair doesn’t trigger allergies like most people think, according to Purina. An allergen in cat saliva is spread to their hairs which sheds onto its surroundings. Here are the top cats that’ll keep your allergies at bay. DEVON REX… read more