mental health

Ask the Therapist

NAME: ERIC DUTTON OCCUPATION: LICENSED CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKER AT GAINESVILLE HEALING HOUSE Eric Dutton is a licensed clinical social worker at Gainesville Healing House in Gainesville, FL. He received his master’s degree in social work from Florida State University. He… read more

improve your Mental Health

5 Tips to Improve Your Mental Health

Mental health affects how we feel, think and act. With one in five Americans experiencing a mental illness at some point in their life, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, it is imperative to maintain your mental health.… read more

Why Stress is Bad

6 Reasons Why Stress is Bad for Your Health

Sweat drips down your face, your heart pumps fast and your hands nervously twitch. You’re stressed. We’ve all been there, and it is important to know how stress can negatively impact your health. Here are six reasons why stress is… read more

Stressed Out

Stressed Out or Anxious?

It is crunch time. You are facing a work deadline and hurtling toward zero hour. You can feel sweat dripping down your brow and your heart beats a tad faster as you keep pushing forward. You will be glad when… read more

First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit Essentials For the Adventurer!

Outdoor adventures can be filled with fun, excitement and wonder, but they can also be dangerous. That is why it is important to be prepared for every possible situation by having disaster-proof first aid kit essentials ready at hand. Sometimes… read more

Mindful Eating

A Simple Guide to Mindful Eating

January brings a lot of well-intentioned goal setting for all areas of life. I especially love that the New Year can represent a clean slate and pave the way for healthy habits. It can be tempting to fall into the… read more

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