Now that some of us are moving back in to the office, it can be so easy just to sit and not really move for hours on end. This makes you fatigued, stiff, sore and honestly unmotivated to get stuff… read more
mental health
A Simple Guide to Mindful Eating
January brings a lot of well-intentioned goal setting for all areas of life. I especially love that the New Year can represent a clean slate and pave the way for healthy habits. It can be tempting to fall into the… read more
Starbucks Promises Free Coffee for Healthcare Workers All Month
As COVID-19 continues to affect the country, Starbucks will offer free coffee for healthcare workers and frontline responders for the whole month of December! "In response to the recent rise in COVID-19 cases and to recognize the significant efforts of… read more
Recharge, Refresh, Reset: Beating The Quarantine Blues
Quarantine tests our emotional bandwidth and intensifies our feelings. Rage, anxiety and irritability can overwhelm us or make us do things out of character. But, guilt from taking a pause is all-consuming, a universal feeling. This imbalance not only stunts… read more
3 Steps to Improve Your Digestion Today
Digestion is one of the foundations of health. Every cell that makes up every tissue that makes up every organ depends on the body’s digestive system to provide the nutrients it needs to keep on functioning. Digestion is the process… read more
Debt Liquidation: Is It Right for You?
Consumer debt liquidation can take on many forms — from selling off personal assets to declaring Chapter 7 bankruptcy. All of these options should be carefully considered before beginning any. Financial liquidation is defined as converting assets into cash in… read more
Find Out How Reading Fiction Can Improve Your Well-Being!
Do you feel guilty when you pick up a juicy romance novel or a page-turning murder mystery? Do you reprimand yourself for not selecting something more ambitious to read? Well, as it turns out, research has shown that curling up… read more
6 Mental Health Podcasts to Let You Know You’re Not Alone
Life is hard, especially during a national pandemic. Crazy times can wreak havoc on our mental health, causing stress, anxiety, depression and tons of other struggles. To help you out in these hard times, there are many podcasts out there… read more