Dress in your Kentucky Derby finest for the 2025 Run for the Roses! Join us for an afternoon of Woodford mint juleps, chance to win games, and race day fun! New this year, we are offering whiskey tastings as an… read more
Ted Talks: Sole to Soul
On the 1–10 adventure scale (1 being snuggled in bed, 10 being an Everest attempt), I would probably rate myself at about a 4. Try new things? Yes. Do so when there is a high chance that you will plummet… read more
Is a Deadline the Best Motivator?
Almost 10 years ago, I started a Facebook group for people who wanted to run a 5K under 30 minutes. The group—called the Sub-30 Club, which now has nearly 7,000 members—quickly changed its focus: We wouldn’t just center around 29:59.… read more
Ted Talks: What the Hill Was Wrong With Me
Because of some of the work I do with Runner’s World magazine, I had the opportunity to run the Big Sur International Marathon along the California coast about a year and a half ago. Though I trained steadily, my mashed-potatoes… read more
13.1 Things I Learned Running the Disney Princess Half Marathon … the Wrong Way!
By Nicole Irving When I signed up for the Disney Princess Half Marathon, I had every intention of training. But, before I knew it, race day was here and I had not even started training. I was bound and determined… read more