Chris Pregony

BOSU ball workout

BOSU for Beginners

The BOSU Balance Trainer has been around since the year 2000, and with 17 years under its belt, we can safely say that this half ball is not a fad. Made in the United States, the BOSU ball was created… read more

finding balance

Finding Balance as We Age to Prevent Injury

Falling is one of the leading causes of injury in senior citizens. In fact, the National Council on Aging reports that, “falls result in more than 2.8 million injuries treated in emergency departments annually, including over 800,000 hospitalizations and more… read more

30 Days of Exercises

Looking to get back on the right track as far as fitness is concerned? Rather than diving headfirst into a more advanced exercise routine that may leave you feeling intimidated, this month-long regimen starts off easier and gradually gets more… read more

Guide to Stationary Bikes

For many of us, making time to go for bike ride can be difficult or downright impossible. Sometimes working out at home is the ONLY option. Cycling has long been an effective means of burning calories while having fun. There… read more

Is Group Fitness Right For Me?

Let’s face it, when it comes to working out we could all use some motivation. Being accountable to yourself only gets you so far. Adherence to a program becomes so much easier when it involves others. Getting a personal trainer… read more