This morning, I woke up before my 5:30 a.m. alarm. On my docket: Run, lift, get ready, and hustle my potato - padded butt to work. On my mind: The immediate tasks I need to take care of, the emails… read more
Do You Have Neck Pain? This Can Help!
At some point we all experience neck pain. If you look around, it’s not difficult to see why more and more people are developing neck pain. The main culprit would be that little thing in our hands that we can’t… read more
Ted Talks: Time to Flex and Stretch
Of my many bodily deficiencies (see Pants, Tight), one has been protesting louder lately. I’m creaky. I’m tight. I’m about as flexible as a granite countertop. I can feel it when I walk, when I run, when I wake up… read more
How Should You Breathe When Working Out?
Does it ever feel like you just can’t catch your breath when you’re working out? Maybe you’re breathing too shallow? Too rapid? Or maybe not even at all!? In my 10 plus years of training, I have found myself constantly… read more
Addicted to Fitness
Regular exercise is essential for optimal physical and emotional health but is it possible to have too much of a good thing? The Department of Health and Human Services’ Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults complete 150 to 300… read more
Ted Talks: An Epic Question
Last issue, I said something I shouldn’t have: “In January 2025, I will announce an epic-for-me goal.” While I have already sketched out some doable benchmarks this year that involve running, yoga-ing and whittling down the whiskey, I am missing… read more
At-Home Ab Workouts for Every Skill Level
Your core is made up of muscles in the abdomen and lower back. These muscles are vital to posture, injury prevention and general musculoskeletal health. Luckily, the core is one of the easier muscle groups to work out at home… read more
Simple Exercises to Encourage Hip Health
According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, more than 300,000 total hip replacements are performed each year in the United States. While some hip surgeries are inevitable, there are some steps you can take to encourage hip health… read more
Ted Talks: Mission Impossible
Despite the inspirational words that come from motivational speakers and flashy Instagram quotes, sometimes you have to realize that certain fitness feats will never happen. I accept, for example, that I will never be able to dunk a basketball, qualify… read more
Ted Talks: How Do You Measure Strength?
Strength —like beauty and perfect guac— is in the eye of the beholder. After all, one person’s strong is another person’s weak. Sure, there are universal standards for some medical categories (blood pressure, cholesterol and the like), and those benchmarks… read more