
For the Love of Honey!

Oh Honey! It’s sweet, it’s sticky and it’s produced by only one species of bee – the honey bee of course.  Ever wonder how honey is actually made? We were too!  Honey is the result of the following process as… read more

Do Not Doubt the Brussels Sprout

While not everyone is fond of the Brussels sprout, there is no denying it is one of the healthiest vegetables around. Thought to originate near Brussels, Belgium, the Brussels sprout began to spread across Europe during World War I and… read more

Sensational Seeds

It seems seeds are all the rage these days. From tiny chia seeds to larger pumpkin seeds, there are so many choices! Don’t let their tiny package fool you — seeds boast a host of health benefits and are full… read more

Healthy Hormone Harvest Salad

Looking for a way to make a tasty meal out of these hormone-helping ingredients? Try this delicious salad!  1 cup raw spinach  1 cup sweet potatoes, cut into bite-sized pieces and roasted  1 cup shredded Brussels sprouts  1/2 cup diced… read more

Don’t Leave Kale Out of Your Diet

Many of us stray away from eating vegetables, but it’s important to get in your greens! Vegetables have numerous health benefits, but one vegetable outlines the path: kale. Kale is rich in vitamins A, K, B6 and C, calcium, potassium… read more

Chockfull of Artichokes

As far as vegetables go, artichokes are certainly one of the more distinctive looking options. Artichokes owe their odd appearance to the fact that they (like capers) are actually flower buds! If your diet is lacking in fiber (like the… read more

Is My Salad Really Healthy?

So you started your new healthy eating regime and decided to go with a salad instead of that burger you were craving. Congrats! You picked the healthier option, and that’s a great start. But when it comes down to it,… read more

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