Dancing isn’t just for children in dance companies. It isn’t just reserved for your prom night either. It’s something you can learn at any time and use to better your own health. Physical activity, in general, decreases a person’s likelihood… read more
5 Tips to Improve Your Mental Health
Mental health affects how we feel, think and act. With one in five Americans experiencing a mental illness at some point in their life, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, it is imperative to maintain your mental health.… read more
Ted Talks: The Agony of Victory, the Thrill of Defeat
I believe in New Year’s Resolutions about as much as I believe in small-size bowls of queso. Why? Same reason you hear over and over—a one-time declaration (“I forbid fondue forever!”) generally won’t stick. That said, I do think that… read more
Acupuncture Treatments: Fighting Pain With Needles
When most people think about acupuncture, they often envision the unpleasant act of being repeatedly pricked and prodded with needles. With that said, according to NYU Langone Medical Center, more than 10 million acupuncture treatments are administered annually in the… read more
6 Reasons Why Stress is Bad for Your Health
Sweat drips down your face, your heart pumps fast and your hands nervously twitch. You’re stressed. We’ve all been there, and it is important to know how stress can negatively impact your health. Here are six reasons why stress is… read more
Stressed Out or Anxious?
It is crunch time. You are facing a work deadline and hurtling toward zero hour. You can feel sweat dripping down your brow and your heart beats a tad faster as you keep pushing forward. You will be glad when… read more
Ted Talks: Devoting 2021 to Small Victories and Sun Salutations
My relationship with yoga is a short one: I took a few classes some two decades ago. I had a trainer mutter 32 expletives when he tried to stretch me and felt how tight my muscles were. And I once… read more
What Books Should You Read Before the Summer is Over?
Looking for something a bit more stimulating than rewatching The Office for the tenth time? Take a trip to your local bookstore, and pick up our top picks to read before the summer is over! Running to the Edge:… read more
4 Recipes For The Grilling Master!
Why do we get a sense of pleasure from the smell of grilled meat? The answer lies deep in our genetic makeup. Grilling meat was a huge turning point in the development of the human brain, and it allowed our… read more
Get Back to Fitness Basics With These Moves
There are some fitness basics that are available anytime, anywhere. Incorporating these into the weekly routine can provide additional tools to help adapt for whatever surprises 2021 brings! The Department of Health and Human Services’ Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans… read more